How to Create your Amazon Associate Referral Link?

Become part of one of the largest affiliate marketing programs in the world.

What if Amazon would give you a cut of each item they sell when you refer the buyer to their website? That’s the idea behind the Amazon Associates program. It’s a way for you as a creator to earn a commission when you sell an Amazon product, even if you’re not actually a seller on Amazon. This can range from 1 all the way up to 10% depending on the product category. PopTribe lets you combine that commission with your PopTribe referral credit to earn extra when your followers make Amazon purchases. Here’s the lowdown:


What is Amazon Associates?

Amazon Associates is an affiliate marketing program run by Amazon. It allows social media creators and bloggers to earn referral fees by advertising Amazon products on their websites. When their followers click on the affiliate links and make a purchase on Amazon, the affiliate earns a commission.

Who Can use Amazon Associates?

The Amazon Associates program is open to a wide range of individuals who want to earn referral fees up to 10% by advertising and linking to products. Content Creators, Social Media Influencers & Website Owners/Bloggers are the typical participants of the Amazon Associate program.

What’s The Difference Between Amazon Associates and Amazon Attribution?

Amazon attribution helps Amazon sellers to measure the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns through non-Amazon channels, such as social media creators.

Amazon Associates allows anyone to earn commissions by selling Amazon products through their website.

On PopTribe, creators can use the Amazon Associates program to earn a bonus over and above their referral credit when their followers purchase from Amazon.


How do I earn money in this program?

As an Amazon Associate, you earn from qualifying purchases and programs through the traffic you drive to Amazon. Commission income for qualifying purchases and programs differs based on product category. Note: Commission income is paid approximately 60 days after the end of the month in which it was earned. Commission rates vary, depending on product category. We lay it all out for you in the below table.

Creating your Amazon Associate Link:

Creating your Amazon Associate link lets you track your sales and earn up to 10% commission from Amazon. In order to create your Amazon Associate Link, follow the below steps:


Step#1: Login to your Amazon Associate Account

Login to your already existing Amazon Associate account on  Amazon Affiliate site, or, if you’re just getting started, create a new account.


Step#2: Pull up the Product linking page


Step#3: Open the Search section


Step#4: Fill Link to Search form

  1. Select Miscellaneous as product line.
  2. Write PopTribe in keywords.
  3. Give your link a name.
  4. Click on Get HTML to generate your personalized Amazon Associates Link.


Step#5: Copy your Amazon Associate Link


Step#6: Paste the copied link into the PopTribe signup screen as shown in the below screenshot. You can add it later through the My Account section.



You’ve successfully created your Amazon Associate Link. Now, you can use this link to refer your followers to products on Amazon. When they make a purchase, you’ll earn up to a 10% commission, depending on the product category as shown above. That’s on top of the referral fee you earn from PopTribe when your followers purchase products through your creator collaboration link. It’s this kind of synergistic collaboration that makes PopTribe stand alone as the premier platform bringing together Amazon sellers and social media creators to maximize earnings on products sold through Amazon.



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